Guardian Tales Wiki

City Of Shen is the 5th World of Season One and the 5th World of the main storyline of Guardian Tales.

Normal Mode[]

The Knight, on their way to find the next Champion, finds themselves in the City of Shen, where they get involved in a tournament set by an old master seeking for a disciple to train.

Main & Sub Stages[]

Nightmare Mode[]



Normal Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault World 16 - Reunion World 17 - Two Demon Queens World 18 - Two Heroes File:World 19 - Pixie Forest.png File:World 20 - Motori Mountain.png
Nightmare Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault
Main 5-1 Introductory Test SiteCity of Shen Passage 15-2 First Step of the Training5-3 First Training5-4 Second TrainingCity of Shen Passage 25-5 Old Dragon VillageWhere Legend is Asleep5-6 Black Martial ArtsCity of Shen Passage 45-7 Shen Mountain Fist
Secret Scary Bamboo RabbitTiger Clan DojoSecret CaveTreasure CaveDragon Talon's HideoutShen City Food StorageDowntown Shen CityViper Clan Dojo
Nightmare 5-1 Shulin Dodgeball Recruiting5-2 First Step of Shulin Dodgeball5-3 Day Before the Match5-4 Dodgeball Match5-5 Day Before Final5-6 Final Match