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Guardian Tales Wiki

Desert of Madness is the 4th World of Season One and the 4th World of the main storyline of Guardian Tales. It was released on February 24th, 2020, and was released on July 28th, 2020 globally.

Normal Mode[]

The Knight is attacked by fanatic Desert Elves known as the Desert Cultists while traveling through the Desert Kingdom, and is thrown into their labor camp. While there, The Knight's Champion Sword reacts to a former mercenary known as Marvin, who was imprisoned after trying to fight the Cultist's leader to rescue an orphaned girl named Laila. Working together, the Knight and Marvin must work together to free everyone from the Cultists.

Main and Sub Stages[]

Nightmare Mode[]

This chapter takes place after the Normal story. In it, the villages are threatened by a monster. Everyone believes that it is the Desert Cultist's Sandmonster. However, the Sandmonster, nicknamed "Sandy", is innocent, and that another monster, known as the Desert Bull Worm, is the real culprit. After protecting the village from its attack, they corner the beast, only for it to defeat them. However, Sandy comes to the rescue, and with Marvin's words, Sandy slays the Worm.



Normal Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault World 16 - Reunion World 17 - Two Demon Queens World 18 - Two Heroes File:World 19 - Pixie Forest.png
Nightmare Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire
Main 4-1 Desert EntranceDesert of Madness Passage 14-2 Desert Elf VillageDesert of Madness Passage 24-3 OasisDesert of Madness Passage 34-4 Paradise EntranceDesert of Madness Passage 44-5 God of Destruction
Secret Cultists' Secret RitualThe Source of the Oasis"Chosen One" Cult's HideoutThe Nomad Village FugitiveRoad Maintenance
Nightmare 4-1 Desert Elf Village4-2 Oasis4-3 Cultist Remnants' Area4-4 Desert Canyon4-5 Desert Elf Village Entrance4-6 Giant Monster