Guardian Tales Wiki
Guardian Tales Wiki

This passage stage shows you the burial ceremony of the Kung Fu Master and lets your team swear in on the fight against the leader of the Viper Clan Dojo, Red Viper.

As you try to read the scroll of the secret Kung Fu technic of the Master, a massive group of Viper Clan members overpowers you although you do your best to fight them back. However, it turns out the scroll is useless as it only reveals the real power is in yourself, which is a reference to the Kung Fu Panda movie.


Normal Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault World 16 - Reunion World 17 - Two Demon Queens World 18 - Two Heroes File:World 19 - Pixie Forest.png File:World 20 - Motori Mountain.png
Nightmare Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault
Main 5-1 Introductory Test SiteCity of Shen Passage 15-2 First Step of the Training5-3 First Training5-4 Second TrainingCity of Shen Passage 25-5 Old Dragon VillageWhere Legend is Asleep5-6 Black Martial ArtsCity of Shen Passage 45-7 Shen Mountain Fist
Secret Scary Bamboo RabbitTiger Clan DojoSecret CaveTreasure CaveDragon Talon's HideoutShen City Food StorageDowntown Shen CityViper Clan Dojo
Nightmare 5-1 Shulin Dodgeball Recruiting5-2 First Step of Shulin Dodgeball5-3 Day Before the Match5-4 Dodgeball Match5-5 Day Before Final5-6 Final Match