Following a brief conversation with Rah Officers about a strange green crystal eerily similar to Invader crystals, the suspicious man and his family pass by, the man separating to meet with you in the next screen to the west. There, he offers his "green ticket", which you have to ask for. The dealer hands it over and leaves, the exposure exciting the surrounding children to assail you. Afterwards, you will automatically consume the crystal and discover this "Wonderland" is a short series of arenas where the enemies regularly drop Unique Epic and Legendary weapons. None of this is real, as you resurface a couple screens away from where you consumed the crystal.
Going south, you find the dealer making more from his vat and self-doses, offering it to you again. You can refuse, dismissing the conversation; you can take more of the crystal, going back to the "Wonderland" stage. When you confront the dealer, he jumps on a nearby train and you need to follow via the launch pads and boost tiles. After a brief scrap, his family returns and begs for his freedom. Regardless if you report or release him, the north partition will be dropped and you can claim the Treasure Chest and Invader Pedestal for the substage.