Guardian Tales Wiki

At start, Ranpang introduces the player to the evil plan of poisoning the villager's food. The job is to evade the sight of the villagers to stay unnoticed and be able to get access to their food storage.

In the first area the player will need to push the massive block upwards to block the sight of the villagers. Despite the fact that the red area is still showing through the block, now it is safe to access the pot.

Next screen, the player has to push the lower left and upper right power coils behind the respective stones to block the power connection which will raise a barrier to the guards and allows you access to the food.

At the third screen again focus on the pure logical sight of the villagers and ignore the red area. Maneuver the hero while hiding behind the moving objects to reach the target.

On the way to the last food storage, go to the path upwards. There is another area where the target is to hide behind moving objects. However, this time, the puzzle forces the player to change to the other side of the object halfway through the course. The reward to this is the Galaxy Gauntlet.

While the player is poisoning the last food storage, 2 villager catch the Dragon Talon Clan red handed. Turns out, it was "only" candy that the player has been poisoning the jars with, as this is the most evil ingredient Ranpang could imagine. She also explained that sugar can cause serious incurable illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Moving on to the next stage of the plan in Downtown Shen City, the Wolf's Howl Bow is on the way out.


Normal Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault World 16 - Reunion World 17 - Two Demon Queens World 18 - Two Heroes File:World 19 - Pixie Forest.png File:World 20 - Motori Mountain.png
Nightmare Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault
Main 5-1 Introductory Test SiteCity of Shen Passage 15-2 First Step of the Training5-3 First Training5-4 Second TrainingCity of Shen Passage 25-5 Old Dragon VillageWhere Legend is Asleep5-6 Black Martial ArtsCity of Shen Passage 45-7 Shen Mountain Fist
Secret Scary Bamboo RabbitTiger Clan DojoSecret CaveTreasure CaveDragon Talon's HideoutShen City Food StorageDowntown Shen CityViper Clan Dojo
Nightmare 5-1 Shulin Dodgeball Recruiting5-2 First Step of Shulin Dodgeball5-3 Day Before the Match5-4 Dodgeball Match5-5 Day Before Final5-6 Final Match