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Search of the Champions goes on to Rah Empire. This is the main quest of World 9 - Rah Empire.


To enter Rah Empire one needs to pass the border patrol. Unfortunately the Knight does not pass the patrol and is sent to the Labor camps along with all the other Kanterburians. Before reaching them, chaos breaks out and after escaping the Knight witnesses Shapira giving a speech to soldiers, the Knight is the last one missing of the escapees. She gives chase until the Knight is caught.

Shapira does however vouch for the Kanterburians health once caught but the soldier in charge send people to labor camp anyway where the Knight will mine Ominous Crystal. Once done, the director of the camp will start a fight that is only stopped when Princess Aisha comes in and stops him. The Champion's Sword reacts the moment she walk in with Shapira. Aisha is named as the 7th princess of the Rah Empire when the director does not recognize her. After hearing what the director did, Aisha places him under arrest and invites the Knight to the HQ next morning, where she assigns the Knight as the debuty of the camp. Thanks to their efforts the productivity and happiness in the labor camp skyrockets.

Minister Duncan asks to borrow some refugees which he will escort to the execution chamber. Everyone chases him and along the way there is a Royal Mecha Guard who seems to be using Ominous Crystal as core. Shapira stays behind to hold back soldiers and the refugees can be found along with other dead refugees, including Penny, right next to an Ominous Crystal. Duncan praises invader technology and taunts Aisha as she cannot demerit the empire.

As the word spreads, both soldiers and refugees protest. Some refugees have turned to people talking about The Chosen One and the prophesies. Princess Aisha gathers the refugees and declares war against Duncan. Both Rah Empire Soldiers and Kanterburian Refugees go hand in hand against Duncan and when he is reached he brings out 5 Ominous Crystal that he fuses with himself to become a disfigured monster. After defeat Princess Aisha has him arrested for mingling with the Invaders. She promises that Kanterburian refugees will be treated fairly after this.

Just about to leave the Knight is interrupted by Penny, who is saying that the wrong side won before she is enveloped in a black aura and turn into the mysterious figure that attacked Kanterbury. The figure decides that it is time that the Knight gets sent away from this era and a portal opens up that sucks in the Knight.


  • 9-1 Rah-Kanterbury Border
    • Active Quest Objective Enter Rah empire.
    • Active Quest Objective Find a place to hide.
    • Active Quest Objective Avoid the soldiers and escape.
    • Active Quest Objective Go to Rah empire.
    • Active Quest Objective Get on the train and flee.
  • 9-2 Kanterbury Refugee Camp
    • Active Quest Objective Get on the train.
    • Active Quest Objective Mine Ores. (0/20)
    • Active Quest Objective Report to the director.
    • Active Quest Objective Go to the breakroom.
    • Active Quest Objective Use the bomb and defeat empire soldiers.
    • Active Quest Objective Talk to Director Aisha.
    • Active Quest Objective Maximize the happiness of Kanterbury refugees.
    • Active Quest Objective Return to the HQ.
    • Active Quest Objective Follow Aisha.
  • 9-3 Refugee Camp Slums
    • Active Quest Objective Pass the slums and go to the execution chamber.
    • Active Quest Objective Destroy the mecha guard.
    • Active Quest Objective Get into the execution chamber.
  • 9-4 Return to Refugee Camp
    • Active Quest Objective Return to the HQ and talk to Aisha.
    • Active Quest Objective Follow Aisha.
    • Active Quest Objective Return to HQ enterance.
  • 9-5 Minister's Residence
    • Active Quest Objective Talk to Aisha.
    • Active Quest Objective Defeat minister's soldiers defending the tower.
    • Active Quest Objective Save the Kanterbury refugees.
    • Active Quest Objective Follow Aisha.
    • Active Quest Objective Defeat Minister Duncan.
    • Active Quest Objective Leave Rah empire and return to Heavenhold.


These are the various notes related to the quest that are not directly part of the quest.

Letter to Mitty

13 April, Dear Mitty, I asked mom if I can plant flowers in the refugee locations, but she got angry at me. People say I'm stupid whenever I say these kinds of things. But even when everything's so difficult, I believe all people have goodness in them. Your friend, Anna.

