Guardian Tales Wiki

After the Master threw you down the mountain you land inside a bamboo garden, one of the dropped stones not too far away from you. However, a monkey appears and steals one of them.

Do not follow the monkey at start, but turn south to reach an area with four big blocks, each with massive stones next to it. Destroy the stones and move the blocks - one is hiding a switch - to get access to a passage where a star piece is awaiting you. On top you see a small block in that small area which needs to be moved onto a switch to light a brazier somewhere else in this map.

Move forward you meet Mei and Fei again as they fight the monkey to get back the stone. The monkey wins and runs away, so that you have to follow it. On you way, turn left at the first possible junction and you reach an area where another small block could be moved onto a switch and will light a second brazier. Additionally you could open a shortcut to the beginning of the map which may come handy later.

Return and go on following the main patch and you will see the four braziers of which two shall already be lit. Now you realise they are guarding the entrance to a treasure chest which has not only the Neko Punch Gauntlet in it, but an Old Music Book. After this, the path will split and you could reach several areas. Make sure you take every way between them to collect the purple coins.

Pots and Massive Stones[]

In the south there is a part with several massive stones and pots in between them. There is nothing than a few purple coins, so you could move on quickly.

Panda Fighting[]

South-East you enter an area with four agressive panda fighters immediately attacking you. Once you defeated them, the third switch for the braziers is accessible.

Shen City Resident[]

North-East you will meet a Shen City Resident who would like to follow you on SNS. In the same area a star piece is hiding inside a shimmering pot.

Bamboo Forest Residents[]

As your search for a stone moves on and you even nearly get one (if Mei/Fei would not have been quicker), you eventually reach an area in the north-west with residents of a village, which is terrorised by a giant rabbit. They ask your help and reveal the secret location of Scary Bamboo Rabbit.

The Rabbit[]

At the most northern point you meet a giant rabbit attacking you. After the battle you get access to the fourth and last switch for the braziers. The path to the treasure chest is finally open!

Collect the treasures and clear eventually missing parts of the ways for purple coins, before you go to the exit. Right in front of it will be the much needed stone to go on with your Kung Fu training.


The two star pieces are

  1. In an area south from your starting point. Move the big blocks away to open a new passage to the star piece.
  2. Inside a pot close to the Shen City Resident.

The treasure chest hides not only the Neko Punch Gauntlet, but an Old Music Book. This is needed at a later stage for the video record of World 5.


Normal Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault World 16 - Reunion World 17 - Two Demon Queens World 18 - Two Heroes File:World 19 - Pixie Forest.png File:World 20 - Motori Mountain.png
Nightmare Mode World 1 - Kanterbury Forest World 2 - Teatan Kingdom World 3 - Magic School World 4 - Desert of Madness World 5 - City of Shen World 6 - Inn World 7 - Dungeon Kingdom World 8 - Mt Shivering World 9 - Rah Empire World 10 - Unrecorded World World 11 - Unrecorded World Pt 2 World 12 - Demon World World 13 - Lilith Tower World 14 - Demonshire World 15 - Assault
Main 5-1 Introductory Test SiteCity of Shen Passage 15-2 First Step of the Training5-3 First Training5-4 Second TrainingCity of Shen Passage 25-5 Old Dragon VillageWhere Legend is Asleep5-6 Black Martial ArtsCity of Shen Passage 45-7 Shen Mountain Fist
Secret Scary Bamboo RabbitTiger Clan DojoSecret CaveTreasure CaveDragon Talon's HideoutShen City Food StorageDowntown Shen CityViper Clan Dojo
Nightmare 5-1 Shulin Dodgeball Recruiting5-2 First Step of Shulin Dodgeball5-3 Day Before the Match5-4 Dodgeball Match5-5 Day Before Final5-6 Final Match